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Office 365 Migration Tips

Last Updated: January 22, 2021

GoDaddy Office 365

There are a couple of options if you want to move away from GoDaddy. You can either defederate or do a full migration.

Defederation will retain your tenant name (netorgXXXXX). You can rename your SharePoint URL using the following command but it won't fully change it.

Start-SPOTenantRename -DomainName <DomainName> -ScheduledDateTime <YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]

Accessing the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal

First step is to find your Azure AD tenant ID. You can find this on

Launch the following URL and replace <tenantId> with the one you found.<tenantId>&CSDEST=o365admincenter

From here you can remove the domain name and add it to your new tenant.

Migration Methods