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Tableau Server (Linux) Notes

Last Updated: August 8, 2018

Linux Installation

Look at tableau docs


Create kerberos keys for SSO and GSSAPI Binding

addent -password -p [email protected] -k 1
wkt tableau.keytab

Test with: kinit [email protected] -k -t tableau.keytab

Domain Name needs to be in all caps!

Creating keytab with a custom service pricipal

Prerequisites: Requires kadmin on linux host

  1. Create a KDC database using the sudo krb5_newrealm command.
  2. Start the KDC and Kerberos admin servers using these commands:
    • sudo /etc/init.d/krb5-kdc restart
    • sudo /etc/init.d/krb5-admin-server restart
  3. Add Principals and create Keys.

I made two keys, one for SSO using the HTTP service principal and one for GSSAPI (AD sync) with just [email protected] as the principal

Enable Kerberos authentication on Tableau Server

  • Manually create the directory: /var/opt/tableau/tableau_server/keytab
  • Copy your tableau.keytab file to this directory and rename it to kerberos.keytab (must be that filename)
  • Run tsm authentication kerberos enable
  • Run tsm pending-changes apply

Sample krb5.conf

default_realm = TECHSTORMPC.NET

# The following krb5.conf variables are only for MIT Kerberos.
krb4_config = /etc/krb.conf
krb4_realms = /etc/krb.realms
kdc_timesync = 1
ccache_type = 4
forwardable = true
proxiable = true

# The following libdefaults parameters are only for Heimdal Kerberos.
v4_instance_resolve = false
v4_name_convert = {
host = {
rcmd = host
ftp = ftp
plain = {
something = something-else
fcc-mit-ticketflags = true

kdc =
admin_server =
default_domain =


krb4_convert = true
krb4_get_tickets = false